Each week we share interesting tips, tricks, and news, all related to and other AltruFir products.
This week read about Where Clear Vertical Grain Comes From.
A few highlights:
- The highest quality vertical grain fiber is harvested in British Columbia.
- Forests in the U.S. and Canada have been managed very differently.
- Most U.S. forest land is privately owned, while Canadian forests are managed and owned by the government.
Q: How long does it take to get my product?
A: Generally, all product ships in 1 - 2 weeks. Sometimes we can do better if you tell us we need to. Upon receiving your order, we notify you to discuss ideal arrival dates. We try our hardest to accommodate your needs. Please see our shipping page for more detail.
Q: Do I have to place my order for Fir Flooring online?
A: No. Feel free to call us at 855-944-5247 and we can take your order over the phone.
Q: When I go to my local hardware store, the douglas fir flooring is very loose grain. You claim to have tight grain. How tight is tight grain?
A: Tight grain implies at least 12 rings per inch and often tighter. This represents the average across the board. The grain can range from very tight grain to loose grain. We source and separate our material by tightness of grain. This helps insure our clients get the product they are looking for. Feel free to browse our CVG Fir Flooring to see our tight vertical grain flooring options.
Q: Do you sell reclaimed and FSC® Certified Flooring?
A: Yes. Our FSC® certified and reclaimed Doug Fir flooring is now included in our online products.